Wednesday, May 23, 2018

4th Quarter Project

Final Freshman Blog

Fourth Quarter Project

In fourth quarter, we made a company and item for our company. My group's project was called the Mini Coach. It is a fitness device you can put on your neck and exercise. We had to make a website, two 2D animations, two 3D animations, a logo, and then we had to pitch the ideas in front of our peers like in Shark Tank. The project took us all of fourth quarter. Some of the challenges we faced were arguments about stuff to do and problems with the computer. But in the long run, we were able to work them out and finish with a very successful outcome. In the long run, I learned that not everyone will have the same mindset and outlook on things, and it can take lots of hard work and determination to finish long  and stressful projects. I didn't see any of the feedback I have gotten so far, but I think I did great since I was the leader of the group and helped out everyone as much as I could. Overall, I think that our product turned out great and I had lots of fun making it.

This was our website.

This was our commercial.

This was our logo ( I designed the logo).

This is the moving banner for our project.

This was our coupon.

This was the banner for our project.

Time in Class

During class time,we worked hard on the entire project. We needed to use raven 50 to work more on the website because without any of the final parts, we couldn't get the whole project done. We stayed productive most of the time and didn't quite finish early, but it is much better than finishing late. The whole project was a struggle mainly because it was hard to stay focused, but I learned just to take a deep breath and focus.Outside of class, I went to Raven 50 to see what I could do to make the video or website better.


My strengths as an e-Comm student have greatly improved since the beginning of the year. I am better with communication, I can think faster, I work harder, and can now stay focused really well. 


What I need to improve on is not being to pushy. I like to get things done fast and efficiently and can chew others out if they don't get something done.


In fourth quarter, I really liked having a group that worked well together and had so many ideas. It was fun making the entire project. What I would change is getting things done right the first time and seeing how different things could affect you in the long run. It would also be better to plan ahed with the people in your group so they don't fall behind. Next year,  I would like to improve more on my animations and videos and try to make time to make more of them. My final thoughts is that I hope I have more projects like this in the future.